Luckily, mummy will bring me out during SPM! Muahaha~ For what? Cari X'mas present la! X'mas coming! Yo guys, anyone want to give me a present? Haha... And I will sleep over at celine dear's house =.=" If there is no mistaken. And...Yea, again a KL one day trip maybe with Kevin, Jong kit and mabel? Still planning. But I hope I can go to KL everyday la ^^ But I hope Celine's mum let her gaigai with me and wen bla bla bla... Auntie... PLease~~
But got a bad news, NO EXPRESS CLASS FOR 2010. What la... Study so hard is just for the express class la... But now I still got to stay in that horror world... OMG... I can't imagine what will happen. Anyway, just enjoy my holiday la! Without any problems or troubles.
Happy holiday guys.